Tell us a little bit about what you do? What are you excited for this year? Can you tell us about some of the projects you are working on at the moment?
I’ve just completed my master’s in Fashion at the University of Winchester and moved to London full-time, which is thrilling. While I’m settling into my new flat, I’m also diving into modelling and researching London’s fashion subcultures for a personal project. I hope to inspire other students by sharing my experiences as both a graduate and a model. Recently, I shot a campaign for an incredible UK designer, but it’s all very hush-hush for now. I can’t reveal much, but the images are going to be stunning. I’m really excited.
What draws you to a project? Can you tell me about a project you’re most proud of and why?
I work closely with my agents to choose projects that align with my values, both as a model and as a woman. The campaign I did for Ami stands out because it allowed me to express my true self while embodying the brand’s ethos. It felt deeply personal, like I was helping to bring a designer’s vision to life while staying true to who I am.
Where do you find inspiration?
Honestly, I find inspiration everywhere. I love discovering indie Chinese designers when I’m home and thrifting in London’s charity shops. My style is eclectic, blending feminine elements with a boyish edge, and I’m not afraid to take risks. Fashion is a powerful form of self-expression, a way to reflect one’s moods and artistic sensibilities. It’s exhilarating to experiment with different characters through my outfits.
How do you approach getting dressed every day? Can you tell us a bit about your personal style?
My approach to dressing is quite intuitive. I mix different styles based on my mood, the weather, or a sudden flash of inspiration. Sometimes, I even incorporate pieces from my mum’s wardrobe. I’m always chasing a feeling—whether it’s neutrality or playfulness. It’s a unique perception that I think is intrinsic to women.
What are you wearing here and what made you gravitate towards this look from HUISHAN ZHANG?
The simple, structured silhouette caught my eye, and the floral embellishments are so romantic. As we’re both Chinese, I feel a deep connection to the Chinese romanticism and aesthetics in his designs. This look, with its predominantly black palette and layers of sequins, feels vibrant and alive. The mesh fabric subtly reveals feminine curves without being heavy. It exudes serene elegance while embodying a powerful, confident attitude. It’s perfect for women who want to balance youthfulness, elegance, and individuality in their everyday wear