Tell us a little bit about what you do? Can you let us know what exciting projects you’re working on at the moment?
I’m an actor, and the third series of Amazon/BBC’s The Outlaws comes out on the 30th of May, which is super exciting! This series is jam packed with comedy, thrills and Jess Gunning! I’m very proud to be a part of it. 
What draws you to a project? Can you tell me about a project you’re most proud of and why? 
Mainly the creators and the story. If the story has an important message-something that I believe in, those projects are usually the ones that deeply excite me. They are the ones I’m most keen to be a part of. I was in an A24/HBO feature film called ‘Share’ it told the story of a young girl who comes home after a party and can’t remember what happened to her. After a video surfaces, she goes on a journey to discover the truth of what happened. It was a story I really wanted to shed light on, the director Pippa Bianco had such a clear and insightful vision, and it was an honour to be a part of it. 
Where do you find inspiration?
Walking around London! I find so much beauty in our multicultural city. It’s such a feast for the eyes and ears. That and my saved folder on Instagram…   
How do you approach getting dressed every day? Can you tell us a bit about your personal style? 
Good question. I think usually it’s dependent on the weather. Classic London…But I usually think about where I’m headed and how comfortable I want to be, sometimes I feel more comfortable in baggy co-ords and trainers, but I usually feel more comfortable being what people might consider “overdressed”. I like wearing something that people have opinions on, whether that be good or bad. I feel comfortable making a statement and being a bit fancy!   
What are you wearing here and what made you gravitate towards this look from HUISHAN ZHANG?
This gorgeous feathery pink dress! I was immediately drawn to the shape, there is something classic about the way it fits, and f lowed. The bright pink and feathers brought that spark of fun that I look for in clothes. I felt utterly fabulous in it, I felt like Carrie Bradshaw!
Rhianne Barreto wear the Irina Gown in Carmine Pink from our Resort 2024 collection.